A585 Windy Harbour to Skippool improvements

Closed 17 Oct 2016

Opened 5 Sep 2016

Feedback updated 21 Mar 2018

We asked

Statutory Consultation 2018 

We read and considered every response and comment you gave us and, together with the results of further surveys and assessments, used this information to review and improve our initial proposals.

On the 24 October we made the preferred route announcement for the A585 Windy Harbour to Skippool Junction improvement scheme.

The southern bypass option is being taken forward to the next stage in the process.  This option does the most to:

  • reduce congestion and journey times and improve safety overall.
  • better support the proposed developments further north on the Fylde peninsula, by increasing the overall capacity of the road.
  • provide the most improvements to pedestrians and cyclists, as it will take traffic away from the existing A585.

Following on from this we are now undertaking a statutory consultation for you to express your views on the design of the proposed scheme in advance of our application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to authorise construction of the project. For more information please visit the statutory consultation page.



We held a 6 week public consultation where we asked for feedback on 2 options for improving the road.

You said

We received a total of 574 completed questionnaires and 37 written responses from the public.

Most people agreed that something needs to be done to improve the route. 78% of people indicated a preference for the bypass to be provided while 12% stated that they would prefer improvements were made to the existing road.

Some people also stated that they would like to see a link to Shard Road incorporated into the scheme.

We did

On the 24 October we made the preferred route announcement for the A585 Windy Harbour to Skippool Junction improvement scheme

The southern bypass option is being taken forward to the next stage in the process.  This option does the most to:

  • reduce congestion and journey times and improve safety overall.
  • better support the proposed developments further north on the Fylde peninsula, by increasing the overall capacity of the road.
  • provide the most improvements to pedestrians and cyclists, as it will take traffic away from the existing A585.

In taking the scheme through to the next stage of its development we will look at whether a link to Shard Road is needed or is feasible, and we will decide whether or not to include a junction with Garstang New Road.

For more information on the development of the project or to subscribe to our web alerts, please visit the scheme webpage.

Results updated 24 Oct 2017

Following the public consultation in autumn 2016 we analysed your feedback and on 26 June 2017 we published our consultation report. On 24 October 2017 we published the preferred route announcement for this scheme.  To find out more you can read the following documents, which can all be found below:

  • public consultation report
  • summary of the public consultation report
  • preferred route announcement leaflet
  • scheme assessment report



We are looking at ways to improve the A585 between Windy Harbour and Skippool junctions. The government announced proposals to improve the A585 in their Road Investment Strategy, published in December 2014.

The A585 is the main road in and out of Fleetwood and surrounding areas and it is heavily congested. We want to improve journey times and make the road safer and more accessible for local users, walkers and cyclists.

Why your views matter

We’re carrying out a public consultation to obtain feedback on the two improvement options for the A585 and to explain how you can have your say about how we develop them.

This consultation runs from Monday 5 September to Monday 17 October 2016. All responses to the consultation will be considered and will inform, where appropriate, how the proposals are refined.

This is not the only opportunity you will have to give your view. We will consult with you again after the designs have been developed further.

For full details of the scheme and for further information, please visit our website.

The options

We are consulting on 2 options:

Option 1: a bypass to the south of the A585. There are a couple of variations within this option.

Option 2: improvements to the existing A585 (no bypass).

Our preferred solution is Option 1, a bypass to the south of the A585 because we consider it offers the best combination of benefits, but we want to hear your views.

In developing these options, we also considered a bypass to the north of the A585 but we rejected it as it offers no extra benefi ts over the southern option, but is considerably more expensive and is likely to have greater environmental impacts.

You can view a detailed aerial plan of the proposals (pdf 91mb).

The consultation document at the bottom of this page provides further detail on the options being considered and next steps for the scheme. Please read this document and then fill in our online questionnaire.



  • All members of the public


  • Roads