M23 Junction 7 Statutory Instrument Consultation - Slip Road Speed Limit

Closed 8 Jul 2024

Opened 3 May 2024


Updated September 2024

This consultation is now closed. 

Thank you to everyone who shared their views. Our project team have reviewed all the feedback and compiled this report summarising the responses and details of how the consultation took place.

The M23 motorway located in West Sussex and Surrey, runs from Crawley to the M25 near London. The M23 northbound carriageway joins the A23 just south of Hooley village in Surrey. The A23 runs through Hooley village.

Over the past five years data has shown that the number of collisions occurring in Hooley village, resulting in personal injury, is far higher than the national average for the type of road. Speeding vehicles are a large contributing factor.

To implement a lower speed limit through Hooley village safely, a gradual step-down of speed limits on the approach to Hooley village is required. This Statutory Instrument consultation proposes to reduce the speed limit on the M23 Junction 7 off-slip road leading onto the A23 from 70mph (national motorway speed limit) to 50mph.

Why your views matter

This consultation provided an opportunity for interested parties to comment on National Highways proposal to reduce the existing speed limit of 70mph to 50mph on the M23 Junction 7 northbound off-slip road leading onto the A23. The 50mph speed limit will be a permanent speed limit and will be clearly displayed on signs, which will also indicate where the speed limit starts and where it ends. 

The 50mph speed limit will be implemented by making a new statutory instrument. Once in force, this statutory instrument will prohibit driving at a speed exceeding 50mph within the speed limit extent detailed in the statutory instrument.  

Subsequently, there will be a reduction to 40mph on the A23 approach to the village, with a 30mph speed limit proposed through the village. This gradual reduction in speed limits is considered safer than a sudden drop in speed limits. It is also more likely to result in compliance through the village of Hooley.

The speed reductions on the A23 and through Hooley village will be dealt with separately using traffic regulation orders. This consultation solely concerned the implementation of a 50mph speed limit on the M23 Junction 7 northbound off-slip road leading onto the A23.

Why the scheme is needed

A change in speed limit is required to facilitate a gradual step-down of speed limits starting at the M23 Junction 7 northbound off-slip road (proposed 50mph speed limit) and then along the A23 (proposed 40mph speed limit). The speed limit through Hooley village will be reduced to 30mph.

The speed limit changes proposed are required to safely manage speed limit reductions and achieve a higher level of compliance. The anticipated impact of this step-down of speed limits is that there will be a reduction in road traffic accidents in Hooley.

What are we consulting on

This consultation solely concerns National Highways proposal to reduce the speed limit on the M23 Junction 7 northbound off-slip road leading onto the A23. The current speed limit on this slip road is 70mph (national motorway speed limit) this consultation proposes to reduce this speed limit to 50mph.

The 50mph speed limit will be implemented by making a new statutory instrument. Once in force, this statutory instrument will prohibit driving at a speed exceeding 50mph within the speed limit extent detailed in the statutory instrument.  

More Information: Statutory Instruments

A Statutory Instrument is the most common form of secondary (or delegated) legislation. The power to make a Statutory Instrument is set out in an Act of Parliament and usually conferred on a Minister. The Minister can then make law on matters identified in the Act, using the Parliamentary procedure set out in the Act. For more information relating to Statutory Instruments, please visit https://www.parliament.uk/about/how/laws/secondary-legislation/statutory-instruments-commons/.

Before we make a Statutory Instrument and the Secretary of State for Transport signs it, approving our proposals, it is important that we consider your views. Specifically, on how the proposal could affect you, your organisation or those you represent.

Where to get more information

If you have any questions or queries, please contact a member of the team:

  • email: slr-m23j7-a23@nationalhighways.co.uk
  • post: Project Manager, M23 J7 Speed Limit Review, National Highways Limited, Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4LZ
  • call: 0300 123 5000 to speak with our Customer Contact Centre or to request a copy of the documents on this site in alternative formats

What happens next

Following this consultation, National Highways has considered all responses received to the consultation and is grateful to respondents for their contributions.

The government has decided to take forward the proposals contained in the consultation document. The new statutory instrument which will implement the proposals set out in the consultation document will come into force in early 2025.

The Consultation summary report has now been published, providing an analysis of all the responses received. 

Thank you for responding to this consultation.

Related documents

Below you will find links to the documents that set out our proposals. If you experience any issues accessing these materials, please contact a member of the team by emailing: slr-m23j7-a23@nationalhighways.co.uk


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